If you are a Eurasier owner located in Canada and are unable to keep your Eurasier for any reason, please contact us for assistance. We would advise you to first get in touch with the breeder of your Eurasier (if the breeder is known), as Eurasier breeders will usually either take the dog back, or work with you to find a new home that is agreeable to both of you. If for some reason, the breeder is unable to assist you in re-homing your Eurasier, please contact us. Please do not take your Eurasier to a shelter as help is available to you in dealing with this difficult situation.
You may reach us by email at contact@eurasier.org.
If you are a Eurasier owner located in the United States and are unable to keep your Eurasier please contact the United States Eurasier Club Rescue for assistance at rescue@useurasierclub.org
If you are a Shelter and believe you have a Eurasier in your shelter, due to the urgency of this situation, please contact both the Canadian and United States Eurasier Rescue organizations. We may ask for photographs of the dog, and may send someone to visit the dog in the shelter to determine if the dog is indeed a Eurasier. If the dog is determined to be a Eurasier, we will arrange for foster care or a permanent home for the dog.
If you know of any Eurasier in distress, we would also like to be made aware of this.
Contact info for Eurasier Rescue (Canada) contact@eurasier.org
Contact info Eurasier Rescue (United States) rescue@useurasierclub.org